Nehmer’s CSA

What is CSA?

CSA or Community Supported Agriculture is just what it sounds like, a way for the community to support local farmers. Every CSA is built a bit different but each has the same concept, members buy their share early and enjoy fresh local products through the time period the CSA runs.

Why CSA?

Farming requires high upfront costs to produce a crop. Fertilizer, seeds, sprays, fuel, and labor are just some of the costs farmers pay before they are able to sell anything.

Purchasing a CSA share helps farmers keep prices down. It helps by making some money available earlier for purchasing inputs lowering how much would needed to be loaned.

Freestyle CSA

We operate a freestyle CSA. This means you are free to shop how and when you want and get exactly what you want.

  • Not in town for a week…No problem
  • Don’t like eggplant…don’t pick out any eggplant
  • Need more peppers…grab more peppers

This style of CSA is built with you in mind because it allows you to get what you want out of the CSA

How it works

  • Minimum purchase is $50
    • purchase options are in increments of $50
  • Each point is worth 25 cents
  • Shares purchased before April 15 will receive a 10% bonus
  • Points can be redeemed at any of our markets (markets subject to change)
    • Hilldale Wednesday
    • Hilldale Saturday
    • Dane County Farmers Market Saturday
    • Monona Farmers Market Sunday
  • Our staff members at markets will have a list with points balance
  • The value of any points not used by the end of the season will be donated to Second Harvest Food Bank


  • Newsletter keeping you up to date on happenings on the farm
  • First access to quantity discounts for freezing/preserving
  • Monthly drawing for extra points to be credited to your account
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